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Standing out in a crowd: selling your story amidst the noise, by Elena Davidson

Standing out in a crowd: selling your story amidst the noise, by Elena Davidson

Standing out in a crowd: selling your story amidst the noise

Elena Davidson, CEO of Liberty Communications, technology communications specialists.

This content is available in Portuguese.


Standing out from the crowd is both an art and a science. It doesn’t just require companies to create an innovative product; it demands robust marketing and a creative communications strategy to sell that product to the right audiences, through the right channels.

This challenge is particularly felt within the tech industry, where dozens of startups compete for attention not just on a local stage but also on a series of global platforms. So, how can companies successfully sell their stories and make a memorable mark? Let’s look at this through the lens of the Portuguese technology landscape.


Where innovation meets authenticity

Firstly, innovation speaks volumes, and Portugal puts innovation at the heart of its bustling tech scene. The country’s startup ecosystem proudly launched unicorns like Farfetch, Outsystems, Talkdesk, and Feedzai. It’s companies like these that don’t just tell a story; they’re a testament to creating solutions that resonate globally, making them stand out.

Let’s not forget too that this success is underpinned by a solid foundation consisting of more than 150 accelerators and incubators, all supported by RNi – Portugal Incubators, a national network of incubators, demonstrating the country’s thriving environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. When a tech startup roots its narrative in real problems and innovative solutions, it transcends the noise. Entrepreneurs should not only fully embrace their story but also let their passion shine through. Take, for example, Feedzai – cutting-edge machine learning technology that combats fraud in the fintech sector – its clear mission and commitment to making commerce safe for everyone separates it from the pack.


Focusing on a niche problem or embracing global challenges?

Usually, what truly makes a startup stand out is its ability to address global challenges with unique solutions. For example, Codacy, which offers automated code reviews to improve software quality, isn’t just solving local issues but also addressing challenges faced by developers worldwide. By aligning your startup with broader, relatable challenges and showcasing your unique approach to solving them, businesses not only stand out but also contribute positively to a global narrative.

Another similar example would be Coimbra–based Neuraspace who has raised over €2.5 million to tackle the issue of space debris, helping satellite operators avoid collisions and improving their insurance risk assessments. While this particular problem might target a limited number of companies, it’s solving a big problem that resonates with most connectivity providers.

The common denominator in both of these approaches is to make sure your solution fixes the problems. How well do you know your market? Perhaps, before spreading your tech wings, it’s best to test your theory by doing market research. In fact, startups that frequently conduct market research are more likely to report an increase in revenue than those who infrequently conduct market research – by over 10%!


Engage, engage, engage

Finally, engagement is key. Having an innovative product or service is one thing, but without meaningful engagement with your audience, the noise can easily drown you out. Successful tech startups often engage with their communities through educational content, thought leadership, and participation in tech events and activities. This creates a multifaceted presence, ensuring they are seen as leaders and innovators beyond their product offerings. While it might take a while to get to a point where the media wants to cover your stories, consistency, great content, and knowledgeable spokespeople will help you get there in no time!

Standing out in the crowded tech space is not easy, and with AI developments, the space is getting even noisier. Just imagine – every year, entrepreneurs compete against more than 305 million new startups.

By weaving the elements we discussed in this blog into your narrative, you can ensure your story not only reaches the right ears but importantly, resonates and leaves a lasting impact. Let your startup be more than just another name in the tech world – make it a beacon of innovation and a story worth telling amidst the noise.


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Startup Portugal Team • August 2, 2024
