Welcome to RNi – Portugal Incubators!

A community of incubators operating in Portugal. Get to know the community members and what Startup Portugal is doing to help boost national incubators.

RNi - Portugal Incubators Members

RNi – Portugal Incubators has members all over the country.

Find out who they are and where they are based.

Explore the dashboard

Applications and Membership Renewal

If you are already part of the community, great! We are happy to have you on board. 🙂 Bear in mind: don’t forget your membership renewal deadline.
If you are not yet part of the network, find out how you can apply.


All information regarding first time applications, membership renewals and 2024 eligibility criteria is updated.

Know more!

Startup Portugal Incubator Lab

We have partnered with Founder Institute to run an intensive bootcamp to help incubator and accelerator managers build enduring startup programs for the Portuguese ecosystem.
Visit the bootcamp website to know more.

Go to Incubator Lab

More on national Incubators

At Startup Portugal we are constantly working on initiatives that might be useful for you and your incubated startups.


Every month we invite a national incubator to tell us how they came about, what startups does it incubate, and more.
Have a look at our blog and discover the story of incubators that truly impact their city and community.

Read the stories!

Membership Perks

RNi – Portugal Incubators is negotiating with a variety of companies to bring valuable benefits to members and their incubated startups.

If you have something to offer to the Portuguese incubator’s community, please send us an email to rni@startupportugal.com and let us know why we should partner up.

Any questions?

Send your questions to rni@startupportugal.com.