II Sustainable Blue Economy Investment Forum 2023

Building on the success of the inaugural edition, held alongside the 2022 UN Ocean Conference, Portugal is enthusiastically committed to organizing the second edition of the Sustainable Blue Economy Investment Forum (SBEIF) on October 4th at the Estoril Congress Centre, in Cascais, Portugal.
This II edition of SBEIF pursues the previous objectives, aiming to mobilize economic agents and scaling up the financing tools to promote a sustainable blue economy, while raising awareness to innovative ocean action.
Powered by Startup Portugal, SBEIF agenda also includes a Business Pitch session. This will be a chance for startups to present their products and services to a panel of investors specialized in Blue Economy. Startups can therefore use the opportunity to engage with specialized entrepreneurial capital stakeholders, either to potentially raise capital for their growth or to explore opportunities to operate in the Portuguese unique Blue Economy industry. On the other hand, these investors will be able to contact with innovative companies, bringing transformative value propositions, that may fit perfectly with their investment strategies.
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Organized by the Portuguese Government, the economic forum of excellence, both in organization and content, aims to achieve global dissemination. The event will contribute to identify actions and synergies between economic and financial agents around the concept of sustainable blue economy, raising awareness of the Ocean importance as the main resource of the planet, guarantor of the humanity well-being and as agent in sustainable economic development. As a starting point for discussion and planning the event is structured on 5 major thematic proposed areas as follows:
– Ocean renewable energies and Green Shipping;
– Blue Bioeconomy;
– Maritime Digitalization;
– Blue Communities;
– Marine Protected Areas.
Each of these thematic areas will be addressed from the perspective of the Blue Economy Financing. A report will be prepared with the main conclusions of the II Edition of the Sustainable Blue Economy Investment Forum.
Want to know more and participate in the conference?
Check the official channels in here.
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